Welcome to Apex Performance Clinic

At Apex Performance Clinic, we specialize in helping you overcome injuries and reclaim your vitality. We understand that pain and discomfort can disrupt your life, and our mission is to be your partner on the road to recovery.

Meet your practitioner

Dan FitzGibbon is a fully qualified Sports Massage Therapist and Corrective Manual Therapist. Having undertaken a career change during the Covid-19 pandemic, Dan received his Level 3 ITEC Diploma in Sports Massage in 2021. Dan has since acquired further qualifications in this field including his Level 4 and Level 5 ITEC Diplomas in Sports Massage.

Since completing his diplomas, Dan has gained experience working alongside chiropractors, osteopaths and physiotherapists - all of whom have helped him enhance his understanding of how the muscular skeletal system functions. This knowledge and experience enables Dan to tailor his treatments and techniques specifically to your needs. Whether the treatment is injury focused, a general conditioning massage to help you recover from an intense training session, or addressing postural issues generated through everyday activity, Dan employs a fundamental belief in living pain-free and will work with you to ensure that this is a goal that you can achieve.

Dan is passionate about health and fitness, having been involved in sports and physical activities since childhood. Through this personal experience, Dan can empathize with those suffering from sports injuries, and understands the impact that these can have on an individual’s life and lifestyle.

Dan understands that despite today's fast-paced world, many individuals struggle with sedentary lifestyles and chronic ailments, with no one to turn to for help. This knowledge, paired with Dan’s own passions, inspired him to work in the area of bodywork, working with individuals to improve their own personal health, become more mobile and live pain-free.